Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use Policy

Last Updated: 9/13/2024


This policy outlines the principles and guidelines for the use of AI technologies within our work at Heinz Marketing. Our goal is to leverage AI as an input to enhance our services while ensuring the responsible and ethical use of these technologies. The security and privacy of our employees, company, and clients is of utmost importance.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, interns, partners, and others who use AI technologies as part of their work with Heinz Marketing.


AI platforms generate responses by analyzing vast amounts of data available on the internet. While this technology offers convenience and efficiency, it also raises significant data privacy concerns, including:

  1. Confidentiality: AI platforms have access to extensive data, including public information and conversations from various sources. Sharing confidential or sensitive company or client information with these sources could potentially compromise our data security and violate confidentiality and Service agreements we must comply with.
  2. Intellectual Property: The use of AI platforms may inadvertently lead to the generation of content that infringes upon intellectual property rights. Publishing or disseminating such content without proper authorization can expose Heinz Marketing or our clients to legal and reputational risks. Additionally, content that is generated by AI is not our IP. Current laws state only content that is created or generated by humans is protected as Intellectual Property.
  3. User Data Protection: AI platforms may store and analyze user interactions to improve their algorithms. This raises concerns about the protection of personal and user data, as it may be collected, stored, or used for unforeseen purposes.


To ensure data privacy and to protect the interests of our company and our clients, we have established the following guidelines regarding the use of AI platforms:

  1. Ethical Use: AI must be used in ways that are ethical and respect the rights and privacy of individuals. We will not upload any personally identifiable information (PII) (like names, email addresses, etc.) or personal data of any individuals (like phone numbers) when using AI platforms, and anonymized data will be used whenever possible.
    We will refrain from generating content that may infringe upon intellectual property rights, including copyrighted materials, images like logos, or trade secrets. Any content created using AI platforms will be reviewed and cleared for potential copyright or legal issues.
    We will also avoid using AI in any manner that could be considered discriminatory, biased, or invasive.
  2. Transparency: We will be transparent about when and how AI is used, both internally and with clients.
  3. Accountability: Employees are responsible for their use of AI and the outcomes. Any misuse or unethical use of AI will be addressed according to Heinz Marketing’s disciplinary procedures.
  4. Confidentiality: We will not disclose any confidential, proprietary, or sensitive information about the company, our clients, or any third parties when using AI platforms.
  5. Data Privacy: We will ensure compliance with all relevant data privacy laws and regulations. AI systems should be used in a way that protects the privacy and confidentiality of client and company data. We will limit data input to information that is necessary for the task.
  6. Quality and Accuracy: AI systems should be regularly monitored and tested to ensure they produce high-quality and accurate results. We will validate the outputs of AI to avoid errors or inaccuracies in client deliverables and prevent the spread of misinformation.

Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in technology, regulations, and business practices.


For questions or more information about this policy, please contact us at